Its been a longlong time!
My recent trip to visit my relatives in kl was really fun and i'm sure i've gained at least a few kilos since.
Gosh! My mouth just simply didnt rest for the whole period that i was there!
Hahah and just fyi i have 3 different families of relatives staying in kl if that even make any sense? Hahaha XD
So most of day1 was spent travelling there. \We went to muar to bring my grandparents there as my grandma has to check out her eye in kl.
Basically, we reached my relatives place in the afternoon and we just hanged around & chit chat.
Then my uncle brought us to buy some food, dau huey,soybean milk, popiah, kuey and curry puff!
Imagine that! And that wasn't even our proper meal!
Hahha but to be fair there were alot of us :)
Afterwards we had a super awesome dinner where the fish and prawns were fresh & huge as hell!
The next day we went to Awana(somewhere near Genting) to pick up my eldest cousin who stay there. Since we were there we visited Genting strawberry lesiure farm and got to pick our own strawberries!
Yay! XD
Then, we went to see a waterfall! I've not seen things like this before thus it was quite an amazing for me.
My Best-est cousin, Wenqi
Daddy and Mummy :)
Afterwards, we visited the French village(Colmar Tropicale) and Japan village which was nearby. Unfortunately though, we reached there around 5 and the Japan village closes at 6(i think)
However the view was great and buildings there were really pretty.
And did i mention that over there it was really cooling and which was sososo awsome! LOVE IT! :)
The view while climbing up to the Japan village
The view again :)
my awesome dad and I! See the resembalance? hahaha XD
Anws while going to back down to proceed to the French Village there's this Buddha Palm statue with turning wheel thingys around it. And you are suppose to spin them while you walk around the statue and its suppose to bring us luck or something? Anywho! Its good for us la.
My parents having a go :)
The pretty ladies (YES including me! HAHAH BHB ttm!)
-From left, Mummy, me, Wenqi and my shenshen
My cutecute parents!
Afterwards, we went to Colmar Tropicale (French Village). The place was really pretty, with lots of pretty buildings, or maybe i'm just a sua gu (mountian turtle) never see world before. HAHA XD
They have resturants there too!
This is a wishing well. Guess what i wished for? hahaha :)
Oh! and in the French village there was this three level building where you can climb the stairs/take the lift up to take a look of the surroundings from above.
Some views of the place from the top:
I managed to take these pictures as we were leaving.
The next day, we went shopping at Sunway Pyramid! HURRAY for shopping! :) Plus December=Sales! Esp. since its super close to Chrismas Day!
Their Chrismas deco!
After shopping was dinner. Then we went to icity! The whole place is covered with super pretty light decorations! There's even small rides(like those you see in pasar malan), games, ferris wheel and acrade!
How could i miss this chance to take a photo with my all time favourite animal, UNICORN!!
Told you guys they were real!
HAHAHA okay fine it's a pegasus. But whatever! :P hahaha
Photos of my cousins with my sister!
Cousin Yi Xiang!
My ohsocute cousin, Ipoh! (ahbao!)
The light are pretty huh? :)
Moving on! The next day we went to Sepang Goldcoast beach! I actually i just went to google the place, the pictures on the site is really really pretty, but maybe its cause i didn't stay in their resort or sometime but i did not find it as nice as it is shown on the site. but its quite okay , like a normal beach :)
So before that we went to this place which i have absolutely no idea what it's called but it has a kampong feel to it which i adore alot! And you can see the wide sea , really quite breathtaking :)
Next! Sepang Goldcoast Beach!
My freakishly long sister! hahaha XD

I didn't take much photos of the beach, but really there is nothing much to see. Its like any other beach.
Okay fine! HAHAH maybe its just cause i was catching crabs with my cousin gang and helping the younger ones collect sea shells! I also ate the most super duper delicious fried fishballs i have ever eaten in my entire life! You must be wondering "its just fishballs. How good can they be?"
Thats where you are super wrong!! HAHAHHA I thought that at first, as well but i was so surprised when i tasted it! HAHAH ITS VERY ADDCITIVE! :)
So! In conclusion, i had a really really enjoyable time while i was in KL. I got to hang out with ALL my family members and see so many cool and beautiful places. Please! I was just like your typical kisu tourist taking photos of almost every single thing! HAHAH XD Its really damn great to go on a relaxing holiday where your relatives or close friends knows where to bring you for sightseeing and to have a superb time!
Thanks for reading till the end! :)