Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Someone once told me that I'm blessed with friends. Indeed, I am.

{14/10/2015, 00:45}
Someone once told me that I am blessed with friend. I thought I understood it. 

But a few days agos, I revisited this thought, and realised that I understand it differently now. What I had thought before was superficial, now its deeper and maybe ook back and say oh, I hadn't understood it well enough before. But right now at this part of my life, this is what I think should be. 
I am indeed and most definitely blessed with friends. And although I contribute it mostly to luck and I don't know when this luck will end. I am ever grateful, like I always am.

Even in this time, I am blessedthe future me, may l with friends. In Singapore, I am blessed with friends who each one in different ways took care of me in different aspects of my life. And I won't lie and say I don't miss my comfort zone with them. 

But here on OSEP in Spain, I am blessed with friends that teach and enrich. Not that my friend back in Singapore don't do that. Just that I feel so enriched in the sense of culture and customs that I might not ever have to chance to learn if I stayed.

I am blessed with friends. Indeed, I am. And as always, I am thankful.

Just to clarify, friends here always includes loved one 😉